Can someone's personal identity be enforced on other people's perception?
Identity imaginations were seeded in great effect by the Obama administration with the strong push for homosexual and gay acceptance across the nation. In just a few short years new ideologies developed to include a remarkable construct of what identity is. In essence, identity has become an all-inclusive term that supports a massive scale of interpretation ranging from concrete identity to make-believe dispositions that approach and include mental illness.
To what level of acceptance do adults permit their children to have a make-believe reality? Children often engage in healthy make-believe play during their formative years. When the play exceeds safety concerns there is usually some sort of intervention to help the child restate reality back into reasonable expression.
Make-believe or auto-identity features in adults take on an entirely different aspect. Now the imagined reality of the individual(s) can be magnified with the legal, financial, and social media powers available to an adult. With that power they bring the effective tools of voting, running for public office, making law, and ruling on court cases.
Their perception of reality, being supported by like-minded identities, gives rise to chaos. They vote for each other, giver power to each other, and destroy any semblance to sane thought process, laws, or human rights - especially so to parental rights. If they can infiltrate the minds of children at the early developmental stages, they can encourage the make-believe into adulthood, even at the cost of the child’s happiness, or even life.
A remarkable reference can be made from The Twilight Zone episode aired in 1961 called “It’s a Good Life.” ~ On an isolated family farm, a young boy with vast mental powers, but lacking emotional development, holds his terrified family in thrall to his every juvenile wish [imdb].
What is identification at its basic level for anyway?
Identification in general terms is moreover an emergent property of the mind to summarize a paradigm suitable to formulate a premise. The expectation of the premise is that some truth will be captured and held in balance against anything else for the sake of making a decision. When a person’s ability or lack thereof [through mission of inaction or on purpose] disqualifies the facts in favor of personal bias ~ the identification routine fails and the outcome will result in a non sequitur conclusion.
When this happens for personal identity an additional layer of affirmation is acquired into the unreasonable. In this case an actual person embodies a disregard for reality by affirming in themselves as adults the quality of their assertion. The weight of the identity is foundationally different than a mere observation, because someone is taking personal responsibility into their existence for it.
Can you be forced to justify someone else’s imagination of identity?
The list of identities that have been imagined in today’s society are beyond the scope of this brief introduction. However, the effect it has had on the nation is explicit and destructive. Insofar as an individual wants to identify themselves is not in question. It is the insistence that the overwhelming majority not only capitulate, but to celebrate them.
At this point a person can identify themselves into any position through the mere act of declaration. That level of influence is totalitarian in nature and tyrannical in practice.
If the remainder doesn’t disqualify their definitions, they will go forth unhindered and that imagination will be rendered into society as an acceptable norm. The Obama administration, adding onto the Clinton’s administration’s approach to ignoring critical issues, created the path for this general acceptance. The average American during those times were so inundated with “tolerance” that they inadvertently allowed, through mission of inaction, these constructs to prevail.
The threshold of enacting laws forcing American Citizens to conform to speech patterns supporting identity inventions is upon the nation as a whole. The ultimate implementation of this would make it unlawful for anyone to reference another person in a way they perceive as a failure to recognize their identity; even if the identity is independently imagined outside known classifiers. This is an initial step to the complete collapse of free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.
The identity strategy is a control feature rooted in fear of reprisal response.
American’s on the whole want to live their lives in peace. They want to go to work, make a living, have a nice home, and take care of their families. When encountered with the option of standing up for reasonable freedoms in the face of reprisal in the workplace, they will defer to compliance to keep the status quo. This sentiment extends into all areas of people’s lives. The chance of losing a job, missing an education opportunity, or even medical treatment for non-compliance or failure of tolerance is a serious issue for them. It has evolved into a complete mechanism of fear control because people are trapped.
The truth of the matter is that American’s have had a massive wake up call. The Covid-19 incident revealed to parents nationwide what has been happening to their children in the classroom. State after state and city after city has uncovered a massive campaign against fundamental education in the United States. Starting with a handful of angry parents, it has now escalated to the point of labeling them domestic terrorists. This is nothing more than an affirmation that a fear control mechanism is in place.
The way out is simple enough. The identity ploy is its own defeat. And the old saying what’s good for the goose applies here. American Citizens across the nation are realizing they can assert their own brand of identity, by simply asserting that their authority is superior to all others currently on the market for adoption. The parental identity is indeed supreme in the United States, and cannot be countered by any other imagination or invention. Of course, the reason that is true is because the parental identity has thousands of years of precedent, it's backed by fact, and even more so is a fundamental cornerstone for most religions. Parental authority is directly protected by the First Amendment through the freedom of religion, and the freedom of speech.