Racism Balance

Is racism balanced or convenient?

Racism is one of the world's primary areas of focus. This is equally true from American's perspective. Without a clear understanding of this subject matter we may repeat mistakes that prevent successful problem solving on issues of racism. Should there be equality of magnitude when this topic arises? Can one race say to another that their oppression demands greater consideration? Should all oppression from all race related issues be seen through the lens of skin color alone? Is there more to racism than meets the eye? Perhaps ideals of race go far beyond just skin color... Critical thinking will help discover the truth of racism.

Timeless Racism

When did racism begin?

To grasp the essence of this topic we need to realize how ancient it is. Racism is not something we can confine to a place or an era. It is also not something we can isolate to skin color. The generalized ideologies of racism don't give the proper framework and core reality of what it actually is.

Racism is the inexorable predilection of human beings to identify within themselves feature sets by which we isolate from others. When we have some threshold of features of the same type when compared to another's, we associate into our conception that group framework. So, we identify ourselves into a group. Out of that group we derive the base concept of tribes and ultimately race.

Examples of commonly known racists constructs: the blue-eyed blonde Aryan, the Jewish hooked nose, big-butt fat-lipped negro, buck-toothed red-neck, Wal-Mart hillbilly, Mexican wetback, slant-eyed Asians, towel-head Arab, Egyptian Gypsy - and these are just a few; An unfortunate side effect of human classification that we collectively do to ourselves.

Look what these racist slurs have in common and what is different. Most are remarks about physical features. Others are remarks about conceptual stereotypes. Now consider how many other classifiers we humans use on each other, such as religion, sex, heredity by name and lineage, political positions, even down to musical and artistic preferences in performing arts. All of these things are used to discriminate, or otherwise classify groups of people. We do it instinctively - even unconsciously. But that doesn't necessarily make someone a racist in their heart of hearts. Being aware is enough and is revealed in the Greek maxim "Know thyself."

This has been going on since the written record began for the human civilization if not longer. It's particular to everyone, but not specific to who or where over time. It isn't logical to say that racism in one particular place and era holds remarkable significance when compared to the sum of time's record on the matter. To that end, racism is timeless. It will be persistent as far as human beings are flawed. It is logical to accept the failing and move on to intellectual enlightenment as permitted by individual willingness to seek out personal reasons for harmony. The truth is, no law can prevent racism. But laws may protect against blatant abuse from hardened hearts. One of racism's most insidious features is the hypocrisy under which it is often levied to garner race specific interest.

Keep in mind that a right is something you have that causes no harm to another through the simple possession of that right. Also know that you aren’t responsible for anyone’s emotional intelligence except your own. We collectively mange our own emotions, even if someone else pushes our buttons.

Critical Race Theory

Is racism a permanence of human kind?

According to Critical Race Theory's [CRT] foundational perspectives, racism is a permanent feature of human kind. Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell maintained this feature in his original written works (see Faces at The Bottom of The Well, The Permanence of Racism). The CRT ideologies evolved out of the Civil Rights Movement and critical thinking frameworks. But over time the CRT approach went beyond just the analysis of racial issues and become an activist movement. It has the unique elements often found with postmodern approaches in that it isolates what is considered a specific group (topic/idea). It places strong requirements on that group and limits their position of rebuttal. Modern CRT takes the problem to be solved a step further by declaring it unsolvable and recommends the best course of action is the perceived battle itself. In this case, the fight is the solution and longsuffering oppression is the plight of the activist. This breaks from the groundwork of actual critical thinking that has a single purpose to isolate and solve the problem, whereupon a solution is a requirement of the endeavor. Ultimately CRT makes an argument that it declares unsolvable at the onset and then insists that the enduring battle be waged by both the activist's perspective, as well as the accused oppressor. Even if the oppressor is unaware, it becomes their responsibility to take the mantle of the fight into the field of battle by acknowledging their own racist tendencies that are classified by CRT as inevitably overt or even unconscious. The oppressor is accused, tried, and convicted and then sentenced to being racist forevermore without chance of reprieve or parole. The practical upshot is an ingenious, built-in defense mechanism against any defiance of its authority. Any attempt to argue a point in defiance of the CRT position immediately classifies someone as racist.

However, a remakable problem with CRT has arisen in the last twenty years (publication of this is 2022). Intersectionality appeared. This is where one group of oppressed people align with another group of oppressed people, but one of the groups has something in common with the other's oppressor model. So they sort of get along on most things, but one thing doesn't fit. An example would be a black lady that wants to join a women's rights group only to discover the local group is comprised of mostly white women. She is outside of her camp of colored people if she goes to the women's group, because the white people are the oppressor (the enemy).

Keep in mind that the Women's Rights Movement was strong and moving forward with great attention along side these developments. Femiminism had a foothold on political interest just like race consciousness had. This forced the two topics into the same camp even if they didn't wish it. They had to share the public interest and of course that meant some degree of competition. But that would fly in the face of the oppressed if one of the two groups (CRT and Feminism) conflicted with each other. And that's where they intersected. They had the common ground of being oppressed. But one couldn't oppress the other without the obvious hypocrisy that would arise. So, they supported each other though the necessity of their collective framework because politicians inexorably categorized them together as campaign topics. They had to cooperate because the public eye evaluated them in the same boat - the oppressed.

It wasn't long until even more groups of people that classified themselves as oppressed strongly identified with the activist approach that CRT was employing. They used the same methodology of postmodern thinkers to some extent, but also relied heavily on the Civil Rights Movement and Affirmative Action. At the height of homosexual rights (in America specifically) the nomenclature was strongly gay and lesbian. And these people strongly identified with that mode of thinking as many do to this day. It's important to note that homosexual rights strongly rested on the distinction of male and female as the only sexes. Otherwise a homosexual disposition wouldn't correlate where it distinctly involved two men, or two women. To the same magnitude that racial issues are hot topics, so became gay and lesbian considerations, especially when it came to marriage and the right to adopt children. Again, politicians added this group of oppressed peoples into women's rights and racism. A new term was introduced to bring them together in the public eye. Equality for all. And everyone was happy to support this except for a large portion of Americans that opposed gay marriage. This contributed to the largest division in opinion over a single issue since Roe-v-Wade.

So what did that do to intersectionality between the oppressed groups of black people, women, and homosexuals? A good portion of colored people and women didn't like the idea of gay marriage. All of a sudden there was a breakdown in how well oppressed groups could overlap their ideologies, and it created internal breaks that further divided opinion in American. Imagine if you were a white gay man that supported the local women's group that was mostly black and favored traditional family structures? Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques were going to have to start showing some flexibility in their strict interpretations of scripture to accommodate or fear losing their congregations - and their tax free donations as well. All of a sudden the public eye doesn't just follow the political narrative. Now it is going to follow a religious narrative as well since the foundation of marriage for thousands of years was based on the predominate religions in America. Now the factors of division that started decades ago with Critical Race Theory have gone from something simple to all three groups, now people of color, women's rights, and gay rights - further divided by politics, and then again by religion. You do the math. These three groups split in half by politics makes six different groups. And Three split by religion, another six groups. And every possible combination of those factors. This only fueled the division in America further. In the meantime, CRT hasn't solved the issue about racism and if anything made the matter worse because their original concentration of attention has been diluted among so many varieties.

Not long after these rights were addressed, a somewhat overlooked sector of society surfaced as the new topic of discussion. This is where the transsexual/transvestite lifestyles of the past became the transgender and gender dysphonia issue of the modern narrative. By now the LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) identity that had existed for so long added yet more groups of oppressed people. Now they were LGBTQ+ [and a variety of other identities that have similar sexual connotations]. At this point there wasn't clarity on what all these identities actually were. That they existed through any proclamation was enough to include them by merit of personal declaration. It became a simple matter of saying "I am 'this'." And furthermore, "'This' is:" followed by some reasoning left solely up to the individual. The transgender ideologies and their respective medical issues became highly energized politically and socially. Once again, they were immediately absorbed under the protective umbrella of oppressed people. And of course, the subsequent divisions of intersectionality arose, specifically with the original set of gay and lesbian people. At the time of this publication (2022) there is a growing number of gay and lesbian people that expressly do not want to be associated with the TQ+[etc] identities because it doesn't represent their lifestyle or personal beliefs. For instance - the predominate argument now is gender-fluid and non-binary esteem. This mode of thinking is not compatible with the gay and lesbian disposition that heavily relies on the distinct definition of sex being not only binary, but expressly male and female. Without this concrete view, a homosexual loses their own identity that has been well established for ages past. Now when gay and lesbian people speak up about the inappropriate addition of TQ+ to their already established namesake, they are labeled as transphobic. For example the LGB Alliance founders have been dealing with just this issue as noted by GBNews in this video. This isn’t limited to homosexuals either. The same problem arises with women’s rights. Trans men that identify as women entering the private spaces of women and competing in women’s sports is mainstream news. It isn’t a stretch of imagination to think about the balance of white transgender people compared to colored transgender people. Will the assertions of CRT insist that white transgender people are privileged and ultimately racist supremacists?

When the oppressed begin to deny other oppressed persons, those denied retaliate with a vengeance. Greater division occurs and the problems with the framework begin to collapse. Or so it would seem. However, with each new generation of new groups of oppressed people come a completely new political base from which to launch accusation. It is in the political engine’s best interest to promote new variants of the same argument simply to have a platform by which to divide votes. That directly influences mass media and advertising revenue. The oppressed people don’t even realize they are slaves to their own mechanism they use to broadcast their plight and activism. This all results in primetime news ratings, ad ratings on social media platforms, and of course a never ending hate the hater public theater.

The new narrative that will take over the transgender realm is now called ‘minor-attracted persons’ directly referring to pedophiles. If history is any teacher then we can expect a strong push to accept the pedophile’s sexually deviant behavior as acceptable and normal - because that’s just who they are and they identify as such.

The collective of oppressed people will have to accept this new group by their own internal reasoning. If they don’t, they will be labeled pedo-phobic; if that’s even a word yet. So all the rights the former groups have must therefore be given to the pedophiles. That includes marriage of course.

This continual cycle of behavior coordinates with Mass Formation Psychosis. If left on its current course, there will be no law. Lawlessness will dominate our civilization and it will ultimately fall. The question has to be asked, when will these behaviors be realized for mental illness as they once were just ten years ago? How has this spiraled so for out of control? What approach is there to bring it to a stop, reverse the damages done, and restore sanity back to the civilization?

Otherwise, murder is next. Because you will be able to identify as a murderer.

But every time the new cycle begins, the former cycle says “I can’t believe this is happening.” And no one seems to get the procession of this simple extrapolation. It shouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination at all for a trans man identifying as a woman murderer getting married to a non-binary trans female child that identifies as an African American male. If that sounds absurd, then ask when it happened that none of the former was absurd.

I happened when you let it. And that is the essence of Mass Transformation Psychosis.

This all boils down to institutions of power regardless of which group was what, how they saw other groups, and weather or not they would collectively agree on anything or be opposed. What are institutions of power? They are politics, education, housing, health care, banking and financing, voting rights, property ownership, just to name a few. The psychosis has to be removed from all institutions of power to restore sanity.

Anatomy of a Cult

Are there characteristics of cult-like behavior in CRT?

This is very hot topic and not taken lightly. The accusation of cult behaviors for any legitimate group of activists or academics rings of racism in its own right. After all, we see above that racism is something far more insidious than just skin color alone. This is especially true when we look beyond the borders of America, and magnified further as we trace the timeline into our human ancestry.

Let's think critically on the CRT model. The most obvious thing that immediately comes to mind is an issue of racism. We would expect a dialogue to develop that would alleviate the issue and seek to solve the problem. But we find that CRT was originally specific to America and the disparity between the black people and white people. CRT originally had no interest in any other form of racism, let alone other places in the world; and focused primarily on the American version of it. So issues that would account for Jewish or Asian discrimination were discounted altogether because even though these are obvious areas of racism, those groups end up thriving and even exceeding expectations instead of being oppressed. That comparison places the CRT approach into serious question as to why there is a disparity for one ethnicity and not others if all are equally subjected to the same white dominance and privilege.

So, CRT started off with a narrow and directed problem to address. Eventually the ideology was coded as unsolvable. But this defeated the critical thinking process. If you employ a problem solving tool, then the objective is to solve the problem. If you can't solve the problem then the model of approach has to be changed. And it was. A postmodern approach to the issue became the methodology of argument. This evolved into the oppressor/oppressed perspective that we see today. Essentially there is a good guy, and a bad guy. Classical good vs evil emerges and we lose focus on racism as a core issue (the fundamental elements of racism in analysis as human behavior are discarded). Once that happened it became an activist movement. The good guy was always right and the bad guy didn't even have a way to surrender because they're damned through the lens of accusation as the opposition group - where they are considered the oppressor.

This has further evolved the activism portion of CRT into extremely dangerous movements resulting in massive loss and damages we see from Antifa riots. It is not incidental that Black Lives Matter was a magnet for extremism to this magnitude even if the original intent of BLM was for awareness. So what happens to the oppressor when they declare foul play?

A powerful campaign is waged against them. It doesn't matter who they are or even their relationship to the oppressed. The essence of this is a cause with followers that proactively seek the dismantling of everything and everyone that is not aligned with their thought process. The oppressor and oppressed sides reveal a diametrically fixed stance where only one side comprehends the argument. Eventually the oppressor becomes the idealized master by associating them with ancient concepts of who is privileged. The oppressed become the slaves of the master and the beauty of the argument is that everyone will always favor the plight of the slave, wanting for their freedom, liberty, and best of all reparations.

That becomes a political issue all of a sudden. Once political it becomes a matter of money, financing, campaign promises, public media affairs and so on. CRT becomes a hit-talking-point and interest grows exponentially. The best modern example of this disaster is with the Black Lives Matter failure. Nearly anyone knows by now what happened during the Summer of Love riots in 2020 and the subsequent mishandling of millions of dollars of donation monies.

No one dares to defy the narrative in fear of becoming an oppressor. Defying the narrative labels anyone as an enemy of the cause and suddenly you have a wholly new form of relationship. A codependency between the oppressed and oppressor evolves out of the dialogue. The dependency that ensues is the everlasting diatribes of hatred between the two groups that find themselves in a constant battle. Social media fuels the fire by leaps and bounds as the good guys (oppressed as seen in the public eye) receive massive support in defiance of the oppressor (the unwitting participants) if they don't acquiesce.

So compare that to a leader of people that swear allegiance. Those that are outside of the camp are the enemy. If you leave the camp, you become the enemy. Someone may even come for you and try to bring you back. And if you are the enemy and you defy the camp or attempt reason with one of their members, the entire camp will come for you. Members will remain members and aligned with the cause - period. There is absolutely no room for reasoning (critical thinking fundamentals), and attempting to do so will illicit an immediate reprimand from the camp and especially the camp leadership. If the member doesn't fall in line, they are excommunicated and forevermore in the same boat as the oppressor - because of course, they are oppressing the leadership.

Stay with us and you will have fellowship.
Swear your allegiance.
Give us your money.
Take on activism - even if it is violent.
Don't ask questions.
Don't suggest alternatives.
Obey or else.
Betray and be destroyed.

Can you think of any models of society that fit this?