Protecting the Republic

The AVLD is an outcry among Americans that seek common sense leaders, laws, and rational problem solving for our country's varied concerns. In order to foster amnesty in hopes of reasonable results, the AVLD is neither left nor right. In the same consideration, the AVLD is not blind to these polar opposites either. Issue analysis is the method used to formulate logical outcome. Unbiased perspective is the fulcrum to find balanced outcome for simple and good decisions. The goal is to standardize the debate forum between opposing sides to establish accountability in a way that can be measured. Directed and focused debate is a must.

The AVLD Stands for The Will of The People.
Your Constitutional Rights
The Security of Our Republic.


The foundation for Reason and Truth

Our country is overwhelmed by emotion and fanaticism fueled by unremitting media influences. A continual feedback loop of information interchange has resulted in a quagmire of distrust, unreliability, and collapse of harmony across the nation. Clarity of thought and calm perspectives that employ logical examination of the issues is necessary to reveal the underlying causes. Political and private sector machinery designed to divide and conquer has to be called out. The division between American Citizens is being orchestrated through cunning deception and incessant propaganda.


Are there universals?

The AVLD accepts the ideal of universals among our Citizens which are those elements for a happy life. It is generally agreed that the simplest version of these ideals encapsulates the most effective pathway to harmony. Murder, theft, and lies are all unacceptable. Pride and destruction are partners in motive. Lawlessness follows amoral life choices.

Fidelity and honor are necessary qualities for family, law, and leadership. Foundational reliability is essential to the American Dream. Disrespectful behavior toward our elders is wrong. The nation's harmony is directly proportional to our collective ethical and moral compass. And the spiritual beliefs of an individual are the highest priority.


The truth solves

We all want to see the absolute truth in everything we encounter. We're not getting that from social media. We're not getting it from the mainstream news sources. Our leaders can't be trusted, and the saturation of utter nonsense and subterfuge is terrifying. It is the truth against all of these things, and the battle seems insurmountable. But simply know, this is the illusion you are intended to believe.

Nearly all of what you see is magnified beyond its actual reality for the amusement of a very few. Hypocrisy is cloaked in the shadows of greed and blatant denial. The American Republic is in jeopardy. The United States is in peril of dictatorial power veiled as Democracy where powerful individuals influence every single last aspect of liberty and freedom.